Differences between the three most common ultrasound probes

The three most common types of probes (also called ultrasonic transducers) are linear, convex, and phased array. The linear near-field resolution is good and can be used for blood vessel inspection. The convex surface is conducive to in-depth examination, which can be used for abdominal examination and so on. The phased array has a small footprint and low frequency, which can be used for cardiac examinations, etc.


Linear sensor

The piezoelectric crystals are arranged linearly, the beam shape is rectangular, and the near-field resolution is good.


Second, the frequency and application of linear transducers depends on whether the product is used for 2D or 3D imaging. Linear transducers used for 2D imaging are centered at 2.5Mhz – 12Mhz.


You can use this sensor for various applications such as: vascular examination, venipuncture, vascular visualization, thoracic, thyroid, tendon, arthogenic, intraoperative, laparoscopic, photoacoustic imaging, ultrasound velocity change imaging.


Linear transducers for 3D imaging have a center frequency of 7.5Mhz – 11Mhz.


You can use this converter: chest, thyroid, vascular application carotid.


Convex sensor

Convex probe image resolution decreases as depth increases, and its frequency and application depend on whether the product is used for 2D or 3D imaging.


For example, convex transducers for 2D imaging have a center frequency of 2.5MHz – 7.5MHz. You can use it for: abdominal exams, transvaginal and transrectal exams, organ diagnosis.


The convex transducer for 3D imaging has a wide field of view and a center frequency of 3.5MHz-6.5MHz. You can use it for abdominal exams.


Phased Array Sensor

This transducer, named after the arrangement of piezoelectric crystals, called a phased array, is the most commonly used crystal. Its beam spot is narrow but expands according to the application frequency. Furthermore, the beam shape is almost triangular and the near-field resolution is poor.


We can use it for: cardiac exams, including transesophageal exams, abdominal exams, brain exams.

Post time: Jun-10-2022