Medke P/N: B0403
Drager-SiemensIBP Adapter Hose, dada fun Medex/Abbott transducer
Latex ọfẹ
3m TPU okun
Osu mefa atilẹyin ọja
Awọn idii: ti kii-sterilization, package kọọkan pẹlu itọnisọna
Awọn pato
Aabo: IEC 60101-1 fọwọsi, ibamu pẹlu MDD 93/42/EEC ati AAMI/ANSI SP10
Iwọn otutu ibaramu: 0 si 40°C(32 si 104°F)
Ọriniinitutu ibatan: 15% si 95%
Awọn ohun elo: Didara TPU jaketi okun;Iderun igara PVC iṣoogun;Gold palara pinni ati ọra plug
A gba owo sisan nipasẹ TT (Telegraphic Gbigbe) ati L/C.O ni iwonba iye ti a beere fun L/C.Fun awọn aṣẹ kekere ti awọn ayẹwo, o jẹ itẹwọgba nipasẹ Western Union ati PayPal.

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